Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This is the Performance of Your Life - so what Is Your Story?

What is your story?

Everyone is a Performer and has a story to tell through their unique medium - Creative movement, dance, art, teaching, music, writing, healing, politics, music, business and all of our performances are bottom line - a story. We create stories based on our life experiences, feelings, interpretations and voids. What we perceive is most missing is what is called a void and from the void a story is created. We see this all the time in movies and as children in fairytale books. A classical example is Cinderella - Her void was a better life and dreamed of a fairy godmother to help her create her miracle change and that is what happened!

In the arts dancers dance their story; writers write their story; artists paint their story; fashion designers create a new piece - In the corporate world sales people sell you a solution based on a story; politicians make stories to create change; the media sells the biggest stories. All of our stories are created to fill a void and create a change either within ourselves or within society but ultimately it’s both.

As a personal development facilitator many people seek me with the perception that their personal stories are ‘wrong’ or ‘should have been different’ and want me to solve or fix them. In reality what they have failed to see is the solution or ending to their story - A story is only a full picture when it has an ending or an outcome. What I do with my clients is shift the perception of the person to enable them to see the FULL picture of their story and hence create an empowered ending. This gives them greater clarity and certainty within themselves which ultimately increases the power of their performance and selling ability to an audience! - Your performance and story is all about you and stories are the things that can be converted in cash through EXPRESSION!

What is your story? Have you found the solution to your story yet?
Want help? Email me at info@katehiston.com

Know Yourself ● Be Yourself ● Express Yourself

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